Bush, Rubio bring Spanish fluency to 2016 campaign, but how much will they use it?

*This is a typical story from typical mainstream media. It seems the best way they know to talk about Latino politics is to talk about non-Latinos speaking Spanish. VL

By Will Weissert and Calvin Woodward, Associated Press/newser

AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Republicans are bringing something unique to the 2016 presidential campaign: an ability to speak to Americans in both of their main mother tongues, Spanish as well as English.

Democrats can’t match it. Previous GOP candidates couldn’t.

But now, paradoxically, the party that’s on the outs with many Hispanic voters over immigration is the party that has serious presidential candidates who are surefooted in their language.

It remains to be seen how much Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio will use their fluent Spanish in the campaign. Rubio offered a few words of it in his presidential campaign announcement, quoting his Cuban grandfather, a small but notable addition in a speech meant for everyone to hear, not just a Hispanic crowd.

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo by Michael Vadon/Flickr]
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