Baltimore Latinos plan march to call for justice and end to violent protests

*There are roughly 26,000 Latinos in Baltimore, mostly immigrants. The march and vigil will begin at the offices of an immigrant aid organization, located in the area where the riots have taken place. VL

By Elizabeth Llorente, Fox News Latino

Latinos and immigrant advocates in Baltimore plan to hold a march and vigil Wednesday night to call for justice as well as peace.

Latinos, whose population in Baltimore has grown significantly in the last decade, say many in their community empathize with African-Americans protesting the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old man who died of a spinal injury days after being taken into police custody.

At the same time, they say, they object to the violence, destruction of property and looting of businesses by the protesters.

“The march is to say we are with them,” said Jesus Perez, a Mexican immigrant who lives in the area where the riot took place Monday. “The African American community wants answers, they want justice, and we are in solidarity with them on that. We’ve had our own cases of people being treated unfairly, with the police stopping them arbitrarily.”

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo courtesy of Firehouse]
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