Marco Rubio Announces 2016 Presidential Bid

*There’s been speculation as to whether Rubio’s announcement one day after Hillary Clinton’s announcement would hurt or help the Florida Senator. On the one hand, some believe that Hilary’s announcement steps on Rubio’s launch. On the other, the GOP presidential field will be fighting to differentiate themselves from Hillary, so Rubio’s next-day announcement helps him state his case. VL

By Ashley Parker, New York Times

MIAMI — Senator Marco Rubio of Florida told his top donors Monday that he is running for president in 2016, becoming the third Republican to officially enter the contest.

Mr. Rubio will make a formal announcement Monday evening here in which he is expected to present himself as the embodiment of generational change who can unite the Republican Party’s factions and offer economic solutions for the 21st century.

At 43, the youngest candidate in the rapidly growing 2016 presidential field, Mr. Rubio is expected to cast himself as a forward-looking, next-generation leader — and an implicit contrast with both Jeb Bush, 62, whose family has dominated Republican politics for nearly three decades, and Hillary Rodham Clinton, 67, the wife of a former president and the likely Democratic nominee.

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo courtesy of The New York Times]

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