Hillary Clinton expected to launch 2016 bid this weekend

*So it’s official? On Sunday, maybe, according to sources. So yeah it’s probably official. VL

By Glenn Thrush, Politico

The wait is almost over. Hillary Clinton will kick off her long-anticipated campaign for president this weekend with a social-media announcement, probably on Sunday, a person close to the campaign-to-be told POLITICO — and will begin her 2016 run for the presidency with a trip to Iowa.

The announcement will be followed by a round of conference calls with staff, supporters and potential campaign donors to outline the theme of the campaign, which will focus on middle-class pocketbook economics and her role as a gender trailblazer, the person said. The timing of the rollout, which has leaked out to reporters over the last few days, has been the subject of hot debate inside the growing Clinton organization, and several sources have told POLITICO the Sunday launch isn’t intended to cast her as competition to Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio, who is announcing his own candidacy on Monday.

Clkick HERE to read the full story.

[Photo by Rona Proudfoot/Flickr]
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