How Robert Menendez plans to take on the DOJ

*Bob Menendez says that wth the indictment he welcomes the opportunity to prove in court that the allegations against him are wrong. VL
By John Bresnahan, Politico
A day after his indictment on bribery and a slew of other corruption charges, Sen. Robert Menendez is mounting a PR offensive against the Justice Department, saying prosecutors were “tricked” into a years-long, misguided witch hunt against him.
But despite all his bluster, it’s unclear whether the New Jersey Democrat is pushing back in order to try to create legal and political space for an eventual plea deal, or whether he truly believes he can beat the rap.
Politicians often issue strongly worded rebuttals when initially charged with a crime, only to later cut a deal in order to avoid lengthy criminal sentences.
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[Screenshot courtesy of Politico]