Octavio Paz, The Art of Poetry No. 42
*Octavio Paz was born 101 years ago today. This is a wonderful interview. VL
Interviewed by Alfred MacAandrew, The Paris Review
Though small in stature and well into his seventies, Octavio Paz, with his piercing eyes, gives the impression of being a much younger man. In his poetry and his prose works, which are both erudite and intensely political, he recurrently takes up such themes as the experience of Mexican history, especially as seen through its Indian past, and the overcoming of profound human loneliness through erotic love. Paz has long been considered, along with César Vallejo and Pablo Neruda, to be one of the great South American poets of the twentieth century; three days after this interview, which was conducted on Columbus Day 1990, he joined Neruda among the ranks of Nobel laureates in literature.
Click HERE to rad the full interview.
[Photo courtesy of Arturo Espinosa/Flickr]