TV Binge Viewing Is The New Normal Among Hispanic Consumers

*I thought this was interesting for a specific reason. Not because of binge watching or because of what television producers and marketers may or may not say, but because of what it says about Latinos in a larger view. If binge watching is a new and transformational trend in media, and if Latinos – especially Latino millennials – are the heaviest binge watchers, then it stands to reason that Latinos are leading the newest trend in media. That’s powerful information. It speaks directly to several points: media producers, namely “Hollywood,” have no excuse to ignore Latinos, the leading consumers of their product; and U.S. Latinos continue to prove, with their spending, work ethic, and ganas that they’re the transformational force of the United States in the twenty-first century. It’s good stuff. Read the whole piece; it’s short and has lot’s of good information. VL

By Mario Carrasco, Media Post

This past winter was brutal. With cities like Boston buried under 108 inches of record-breaking snowfall and a couple of cold snaps still to come, what better way to past the time then catching up on the latest season of your favorite TV show. And the timing couldn’t be better.

We are now in one of the most prolific content years for major streaming services. Amazon, for example, recently picked up two Golden Globes for “Transparent” and Netflix just released the third season of the hit show “House of Cards.”

And while we may have cringed at the addition of yet another buzzword, turns out “binge viewing” really does exist and now describes how many Americans consume TV.

Taking a closer look at those viewers, you’ll find that one of the earliest adopters of the binge-viewing phenomenon has been U.S. Hispanics.

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo by Pierre-Olivier Carles/Flickr]

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