Where’s The Democrats’ National Latino Bench?

*Nuño says Sen. Menendez’s troubles have uncovered a void in the Democratic Party: Latinos have fought for representative districts, and those districts have produced politicians that have been placed in a box defined by Latino issues. Is it that simple? VL

By Stepen A. Nuño, NBC News

The looming case of possible federal corruption charges hanging over Senator Bob Menendez and the rumored ascendance of Housing Secretary Julian Castro as a possible favorite for the vice president spot under Hillary Clinton underscores the growing role Latinos will play in national politics. But it also highlights the limited opportunities Democrats have with Latino candidates that may garner a national appeal.

It’s sobering to think that if Senator Menendez were to leave office for whatever reason Democrats would lose their only Latino representative in the US Senate. Republicans, on the other hand, would boast two Senators, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz.

The loss of the only Latino Senator would be a significant hit to the image of the Democrats at the national level as a party of diversity, which should make Mr. Castro’s rise an important consideration for the party. Republicans also claim the only two Latino governors in the country, as well, Governors Sandoval of Nevada and Martinez of New Mexico.

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[Photo by Curtis Cronn/Flickr]

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