Minority groups: Dems still falling short in consultants’ diversity

*The thing about Republicans is that their lack of real inclusion is blatant. With Democrats the lack of inclusion is not so blatant, but real nonetheless. That’s been one of the biggest complaints about the Dems and the Obama administration, no voice in the decision-making circles. But they know our vote is in their back pocket, so why should things change? VL
By Lauren French, Politico
Three months after a devastating loss that could put them deep in the political wilderness for years, House Democrats still haven’t fixed one of their members’ biggest complaints — the need to hire more minority consultants.
For years, African-American and Latino members have protested that the party’s campaign arms don’t put nearly enough emphasis on hiring minority pollsters, consultants and strategists — an oversight that they argue hurt Democrats in the midterm election when people from those communities failed to vote.
“I think the lack of diversity in the contracting is quite clear. They can do better. Historically, the black caucus has been [taking] point on trying to highlight that issue,” said Mississippi Democratic Rep. Bennie Thompson, a senior Congressional Black Caucus member. “Minorities, both black and brown, are the most loyal people to the party, and I think a recognition of that loyalty can come through the contracting.”
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[Photo by DNC]