Obama The ‘First Latino President’? No, But Here’s 6 Hispanics Who Might Be One Day

*Here’s a good response to Labor Secretary Tom Perez saying that his boss, President Obama, is the first Latino president. I don’t expect unanimous agreement on the politicians on the list – what’s an internet post without a good argument? But it pulls the discussion in a different direction, from how Latino is Obama to how presidential are these Latinos? Ted Cruz tops the list, that’s all I’m saying. VL
By Howard Koplowitz, International Business Times
President Barack Obama has broken two barriers: Being the first black president — and becoming the first Latino president, according to Tom Perez, Obama’s labor secretary. Perez made the comment a day after Obama’s shocking shift to take steps to normalize relations with Cuba and a month after the president’s executive actions on immigration that had widespread appeal among Latinos.
Even if Obama is considered the first Latino president, the title is in name only. It’s akin to Bill Clinton being hailed as the first black president during his administration. But the reality is there are some Latinos who have a chance of moving into the White House in the near future. Here are five Hispanic politicians who could become the nation’s first Latino president one day:
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[Photo by The White House/Flickr]