Three Latino cops in L.A. punished for fatally shooting man in Corvette following hour-long chase

*This doesn’t look good with the Ferguson and NYC backdrop. On the surface, three Latino cops were indicted for the death of a white motorist. This is sure to add fodder to the national argument. VL
While in Ferguson and New York City grand juries respectively saved two white police officers from being indicted for killing unarmed black men, in Los Angeles three Hispanic cops have run a different fate.
LAPD Chief Charlie Beck determined this week that Michael Ayala, Armando Corral, and Leonardo Ortiz violated department rules for using deadly force when they gunned down an unarmed man following a high-speed chase through the city last year.
Rejecting the claims that they feared for their own lives, Beck now has to decide what punishment to hand the officers involved in the shooting death of Brian Newt Beaird.
Click HERE to read the full story.
[Photo by John Liu/Flickr]