Melting right in

*Hard to believe with key lights turned high on immigration and the volume raised on the ranting, but the majority of U.S. Latinos place immigration at the bottom of their list of priorities. It’s been that way for more than a decade. It would help if you shared this with people you know that think otherwise. VL
By Esther Cepeda, The Washington Post
CHICAGO — For those of you who aren’t close observers of the changing face of the U.S. Hispanic population, I beg you: Take a closer look.
For most of the last decade, the image of Hispanics in America has followed well-worn stereotypes: impoverished and with little education and few skills other than picking fruit and butchering animal carcasses. Plus, an apathy toward learning English and bitterness toward a country that won’t grant them amnesty.
That this caricature doesn’t reflect even a small portion of this country’s diverse and long-rooted Hispanic population goes without saying. And the facts to prove it aren’t difficult to find.
The problem is that when organizations — advocacy-minded and nonpartisan alike — publish findings that go against the view that “Hispanics” are all angry illegal immigrants from Mexico demanding amnesty from elected officials they couldn’t vote for, the media give a collective yawn.
Click HERE to read the full story.
[Photo by Kate Gardiner/Flickr]