A Latino delivers absentee ballots, and now conservatives want him dead

*This is what happens when you add ignorance of the law to profiling, fear and outright vote suppression. Comments on Glen Beck’s website, where the video was first posted, called the man an illegal, wetback and worse. VL
By Scott Kaufman, Raw Story
Conservatives are outraged over what they claim, mistakenly, to be evidence of massive voter fraud being perpetrated in Arizona, The Daily Dot reports.
In the video — which was posted at Glenn Beck’s The Blaze under the headline, “Surveillance video apparently catches guy doing something at the ballot box that left Republican monitor stunned” — Ben Marine can be seen entering the lobby of the polling station in a Citizens for a Better Arizona (CBA) shirt and delivering absentee ballots he had collected.
Despite the outrage from conservative sites, Marine was not behaving illegally when he delivered the ballots to the polling station.
But A.J. LaFaro, the chairman of the Maricopa County Republican Committee, told the Arizona Daily Independent that Marine’s behavior was suspicious …
Click HERE to read the full story.
[Screenshot courtesy of Raw Story]