Where Latino Voters Matter in 2014

*It must be getting close to election day. Weeks ago the talk was speculation about the impact of the Latino vote and whether Latinos would turn out at the polls. Now the talk is about points on a map. Still, this is interesting for newshounds and political geeks, like me. VL
By Ross Williams, US News and World Report
A bipartisan Latino get-out-the-vote group asserted Tuesday that the Hispanic vote on Nov. 4 will have “a crucial impact” in close contests around the country, including the governor’s race in Arizona and the battle over the U.S. Senate in Colorado.
Officials highlighted races that it believes could be decided by Latino voters. The group says the share of registered Latino voters in Arizona is 16 percent, larger than the 12 percent margin of victory for Republican Gov. Jan Brewer in 2010.
Click HERE to read the full story.
[Photo by feeb/Flickr]