We do NewsTaco, our friend Mando Rayo, in Austin, Texas, does Taco Journalism. We love what he does, he reports on tacos.
An enterprising culinary historian from Mexico, Alejandro Escalante, has written an encyclopedia of tacos. He calls it La Tacopedia. Mando and Alejandro got together for a taste of breakfast tacos – a Texas incarnation of an ancient tradition.
I watched this after lunch, and got hungry all over again.
*Is this cool, or what? Every year a committee named by the Postmaster General considers tens of thousands of suggestions for the postal stamp honor. This year the massive number was whittled down to nine and Escalante made the deserving cut. VL By Brian Latimer, NBC News The late educator Jaime…
By Victor Escalante, NewsTaco “The ignorance of one voter in a democracy impairs the security of all.” John F. Kennedy As a kid, family pachangas were always something to look forward to whether it was a baptism or a wedding. One day I asked an uncle where the word came…
*As national pageantry goes, Mexico pulls the stops and goes all-out for "El Grito," and the parades and fireworks that mark the Fiestas Patrias. VL By EFE/Fox New Latino President Enrique Peña Nieto marked the 204th anniversary of Mexican independence by heading a military parade in which members of the…