First Latina Senate chief of staff banks on Hispanic turnout in CA Congressional race

*Renteria is running in a Latino majority district, but that majority doesn’t translate to votes. Latinos in CA’s 21st congressional district are like Latinos across most of the country, they don’t go to the polls. In this sense, Renteria has more than one battle to wage: to defeat her opponent and to get registered Latinos to the polls. VL

By Cameron Joseph, The Hill

The first Latina chief of staff in Senate history, Amanda Renteria, is hoping she can convince voters her government experience and personal background are enough to pick her over a tough GOP incumbent.

The Democrat, a native of California’s Central Valley, has returned home to challenge freshman Rep. David Valadao (R-Calif.) in the heavily Hispanic swing district.

Valadao won comfortably against a weak Democratic opponent two years ago, and since joining Congress has sought to position himself as a centrist in the district, backing immigration reform and focusing on agricultural issues.

Democrats privately admit that the district is a tough one to crack in midterm elections, though they are encouraged to have Renteria as a candidate.

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[Photo courtesy of Amanda Renteria]

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