Koch brothers’ new target: Latinos, young people

*Two takeaways from this article: First, the Koch Bros. see Latinos as an important constituency (think of it as legitimizing Latino voters in a creepy way), and second, their effort is decidedly negative – ” … convince Latinos that Obamacare and other Democratic policies will hurt them … ” This article was suggested by Taquista David Romo. VL

By Jane C. Timm, MSNBC

The political network backed by the Koch brothers is aiming to expand the Republicans’ reach this year and ahead of the 2016 presidential elections, targeting core Democratic groups: young people and Latinos.

The Koch’s will begin funneling money into two groups, The Libre Initiative, a Texas-based group with staff in eight states that works to convince Latinos that Obamacare and other Democratic policies will hurt them, and Generation Opportunity, a group that targets the under-34 crowd through social media and college groups.

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo by Truthout.org/Flickr]

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