White House Personnel Director On A Mission: Involve More Latinos In Federal Work

*This is one of those important yet under-the-radar stories. Latinos are underrepresented in the federal workforce. Archuleta’s initiative is a needed change. VL

By Elizabeth Llorente, Fox News Latino

The goal is to add more Latinos to the federal workforce, where they are only 8 percent of the payroll, despite being 17 percent of the U.S. population.

But for the Obama administration official who is tasked with making the goal a reality, the mission is personal.

Katherine Archuleta, the director of the United States Office of Personnel Management, a post she has held since late last year, said she is spending time on the ground, going to Latino communities in various states to raise awareness about job opportunities in the federal government.

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo by Jamie Cotten/Flickr]

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