Texas Republican to push immigration overhaul

*This is significant. Barton’s (R-Arlington) plan includes a guest worker program and a path to citizenship for children. It still falls short and would create permanent resident underclasses.  But at least it’s a little noise beyond the silence broken by negativity that we hear now. VL

By Gromer Jeffers Jr., Dallas Morning News

Rep. Joe Barton said Friday he was close to introducing a sweeping proposal that would overhaul the nation’s immigration system.

The plan will include a path to citizenship for undocumented children and a mechanism to give legal status to adults in the country illegally who have not committed other crimes.

Barton, R-Arlington, said his bill would be ready in a month to six weeks.

Barton said his plan would put a heavy emphasis on border security, which could mollify the most conservative Republicans in Congress.

But he added that “minor children” would get a path to citizenship, and that there would be an effective guest worker program for immigrants with jobs.

Click HERE to read the full story.

[Photo by Gage Skidmore/Flickr]

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