5 Hispanics in the TIME ’100 most influential people’

*There’s so much to take apart here. TIME always generates controversy with it’s influentials lists, but the keys are TIME’s definition of “influential” and understanding the motive for the list: call it the print equivalent of clickbait. With that said, who would you put on the list? VL
This year’s list of the “100 Most Influential People,” published by TIME Magazine, includes five prominent Hispanics.
The group spans the gamut, from a movie director to a religious leader to an athletic superstar, and the magazine included a short profile of each person, written by another public figure.
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Leading this year’s list of influential people was Beyoncé, who TIME Magazine featured on its cover. The following five Hispanic standouts, among other figures, were split into several categories, including “Titans,” “Pioneers,” “Artists,” “Leaders,” and “Icons.”
Alfonso Cuarón
It’s been a big year for Cuarón, who won the Academy Award and Golden Globe for best director after creating the captivating 3D feature “Gravity.”
The Hispanic filmmaker initially garnered Hollywood attention with his 2001 production, “Y Tu Mamá También.” A few years later, he earned his biggest box office success, according to IMDB, with his direction of “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban.”
However, it’s this year’s film in outer space that really won the Mexican-born Cuarón a place on the 100 Most Influential People list. As described by J.J. Abrams, who wrote the profile for TIME Magazine, “Gravity” represents some of “the most arresting, visually stunning work in recent cinema.”
José Mujica
José “Pepe” Mujica, though holding the office of the president in Uruguay, is no rich diplomat.
In fact, Mujica has been called “the world’s poorest President,” according to The Guardian: He donates much of his salary to social projects, eschews business class plane tickets, and lives in a one-bedroom home.
For such modest man, Mujica drew a lot of attention this year when he made Uruguay the first country in the world to legalize marijuana for production, distribution and sale. The country’s government will play a significant role in regulating the market, with the goals being to generate revenue and combat illegal drug trafficking.
Cristiano Ronaldo
If Pelé is the greatest soccer player in history, it’s telling that he took the time to write TIME Magazine’s profile of Cristiano Ronaldo.
Ronaldo, who was born in Portugal, plays forward for Real Madrid as well as captaining the Portuguese national soccer team. He’s widely touted as the world’s best soccer player, a claim that Pelé supports in his description of Ronaldo, noting that the younger player has an “elegance and creativity” that makes him stand out from the crowd.
Nicolas Maduro
Plenty has been said about Nicolás Maduro this year, as Venezuela has erupted in protests against his left-wing government, so it’s not surprising that he made the list of 100 Most Influential People.
However, much of what has been said about Maduro is searing, criticizing his Chavista policies and inability to control Venezuela’s struggling economy. He has also been accused of human rights violations as anti-government protesters have clashed with government motorcycle gangs, known as colectivos.
As expressed by Nikhil Kumar, who wrote Maduro’s profile for TIME Magazine, whether Venezuela collapses “depends on Maduro—and on whether he can step out of the shadow of his pugnacious predecessor and compromise with his opponents.”
Pope Francis
In President Obama’s description of the Argentine Pope Francis, written for TIME, he noted that the first Hispanic pope “reminds us…that no matter our station in life, we are bound by moral obligations to one another.”
That compassion and transcendence of boundaries has certainly marked Pope Francis’ tenure so far. The Catholic leader has caused waves by calling for the reexamination of same-sex civil unions and abortion, and he has increasingly focused the church’s efforts on ministering to the poor and needy while cutting bureaucratic excess and cleaning up the Vatican’s finances.
Obama captures the essence of this Hispanic leader’s influence quite simply: “Rare is the leader who makes us want to be better people. Pope Francis is such a leader.”
This article was originally published in Voxxi.
Danielle Restuccia is a freelance writer for several national publications. Her work extends from fitness and education topics to marketing material. She also coaches high school soccer and previously taught high school English.
[Photo by Catholic Church England and Wales/Flickr]