One In Five Hispanic And Black Workers Are Underemployed
By Bryce covert, Think Progress
About one in five black and Hispanic workers, or 18.9 percent of Hispanic workers and 22.4 percent of black workers, are underemployed, meaning that they are either jobless and actively looking for work, want to work but have given up looking, or are working part-time but want to be full-time, according to an analysis of the Economic Policy Institute’s Heidi Shierholz. In comparison, a little more than 10 percent of white workers fall into this category.
But while black and Hispanic workers experience similar rates of underemployment, they often differ when it comes to unemployment — the measure of just workers who are out of a job but actively seeking a new one. Hispanic workers have a slightly lower rate, likely thanks to how many have part-time work even though they’d rather work full-time.
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[Photo by slightly everything]