Boston Mayoral candidates pursue Latino voters in unprecedented ways

By Marcela García, Boston Globe

THE TRADITIONAL heart of Boston’s Puerto Rican community is the Villa Victoria housing development in the South End, and that’s where hundreds of people gathered last month for the start of the annual Puerto Rican parade. As in years past, parade floats plastered with the Puerto Rican flags lined the streets as salsa music blared. Dozens of baton-twirling girls from the Estrellas Tropicales troupe patiently waited for the parade to begin.

But this year something was different. A lot more politicians, for one thing. The Latino community is seeing a special level of attention in this year’s mayoral race, and every candidate joined in the festivities. Also different this year was the destination of the parade — not Franklin Park, which is under repair, but City Hall, where revelers enjoyed food, carnival rides, and music.

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[Photo by Adam Pieniazek]


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