Can Mayor Julian Castro Turn Texas Blue?


By Andrew Romano, Newsweek/Daily Beast

Mayor Julián Castro is on his way to Austin. This wasn’t always part of the plan, or so I’m told. Castro was originally scheduled to spend the day in San Antonio, the sprawling South Texas metropolis over which he’s presided since 2009, so that he could smile and wave at a press conference for the city’s annual spring street fair.

But now he has other business to attend to. Statewide business. National business.

Last week Texas’s top three politicians—Republican Gov. Rick Perry, Republican Sen. John Cornyn, and Republican Sen. Ted Cruz—announced they’d be appearing together at the statehouse in Austin to explain (yet again) why accepting tens of millions of federal dollars to expand the state’s Medicaid program would be a terrible idea, and Lone Star Democrats were faced (yet again) with their usual problem. Texas hasn’t elected a single Democrat to statewide office since 1994; the last of the breed vanished from Austin four years later. The result, as Castro tells me somewhere between San Antonio and the capital, is that “for far too long, there has not been a voice of reason to provide an opposing idea about the direction the state should take on issues like this.” And that, apparently, is where Castro comes in.

Click on the picture to read the full story.

This article was suggested by Taquista Eddie Martinez.

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