National Margarita Day

By Melanie Mendez-Gonzales, QueMeansWhat
It’s National Margarita Day Y’all! ¡Salud! It is celebrated each year on February 22nd.
I wanted to write up some great post with some delicious margarita recipes for you. The reality is: I don’t make margaritas. I just drink ’em! Not like everyday but on occasion. And on a few of those occasions, I just happened to take a photo of them before they were gone.
Recently, I celebrated a nice steak dinner with mi esposo for Valentine’s Day but first, we had margaritas. Mi esposo had his usual … top shelf tequila margarita on the rocks. He is the tequila connoisseur. I just take his lead and add something fruity to it! Mine was a clever concoction of pomegranate-type of margarita (shaken) served in a martini glass (delicioso, sí but too complicated to remember what they called it.)
Ahhhh … La Gloria, one of my favorite eateries in San Antonio. The Mexican food is original from Chef Johnny Hernandez and the margaritas are frozen and strong! See, it doesn’t have to be a steak dinner, I’ll have ’em with my taquitos tambien. This is what a Mom’s Night Out looks like (on occasion). Thanks to my fabulous mommy friends, we will be celebrating National Margarita Day at La Gloria tonight!
Celebrate and drink responsibly!
Read the full article and find links to margarita recipes on