Remember Hazleton, PA? Things Have Changed, Somewhat

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco
Back in 2006 Hazleton, PA, became the poster-city for immigration intolerance. It’s not that the city leaders didn’t like immigrants in general, they just didn’t like the newest, Latino, what they believed to be unauthorized ones.
Back then the Mayor of Hazleton, Lou Barletta, introduced an ordinance that for all intents and purposes, barred unauthorized immigrants from the city: it barred landlords from renting to unauthorized immigrants and business owners from hiring them.
Well, a lot of time has passed since. And Hazleton has yet to resolve it’s anti-immigrant issue – the law sits in limbo after several court skirmishes. But Latinos are thriving there and the town has changed.
Andrew O’Reilly wrote a really good in-depth piece for Fox News Latino, about Hazleton, what happened there and what’s happened since.
Click on the picture to read the full story.
[Phooto by runningcauseicantfly]