Obama to Announce His Immigration Reform Plan


By David Nakamura and Rosalind S. Helderman, Washington Post

The Obama administration has developed its own proposals for immigration reform that are more liberal than a separate bipartisan effort in the Senate, including a quicker path to citizenship for illegal immigrants, people with knowledge of the proposals said.

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[Photo by The White House]

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Obama to tread carefully in immigration debate, Reuters

All The President’s Plans, ABCNews

Obama to pitch immigration reform, CNN

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 Obama agenda: By the numbers, NBCNews

Obama To Praise And Parse Senators’ Immigration Plan As He Lays Out His Own, NPR

Obama to Announce Immigration Plan, Daily Beast

Obama to launch immigration effort at Vegas school, Associated Press/San Francisco Chronicle

Obama Speech Expected to Embrace Immigration Plan, New York Times

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Obama makes his immigration bid, USAToday

Immigration reform: Obama to lay out package to dovetail with senators’ plan, The Guardian

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