Latino Winning Vote Sets Off Tectonic Power Shift

By: Victor Escalante, NewsTaco

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” – Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860)

Ay dios mio! What a difference a week in politics makes. As I review my list of winners and losers, it was more than 71% accurate. All I need to do is invert Big Bird and Karl Rove to be nearly on the money. The “turd blossom” as he was affectionately called by his former boss George W. Bush is now fighting for his political survival while Big Bird lives to teach los niños.

The anti Latino anti immigrant rhetoric has come to a head with the wide awake “sleeping giant” voting. This has set off a tectonic shift in the political establishment leading to a new discourse of the role Latinos will play in the future.

The path towards an evident reality of the Latinization of America.

Human nature and power structures do not change in the face of facts or an opposing reality. Research from the University of Houston and other social scientists like James O. Prochaska give us the roadmap for change.

Stage 1: Precontemplation (not ready)

For years, the alpha voices within the Republican Party have been warning of the demographic shift. The facts were largely ignored with the rise of the Tea Party and their purist ideology. The Romney campaign was banking on the same 2008 white vote. This was a fatal mistake. The national entertainment political stars along the likes of Rush Limbaugh played on in the sinking electorate Titanic.

Stage 2: Contemplation (ready)

The Democratic Party had a two year window by creating a ground game in battle ground states. They were prepared at every step of the way to tell Latinos why Romney was a terrible choice. During the brutal primaries, these communications professionals were feeding Spanish media the narrative they wanted to get out. The Hispanic talking heads for Mitt never had a chance. Their “bogyman fear message” did not resonate with Latinos.

This is a critical juncture for conservatives to rein in the “radioactive” Joe Arpaios and Jan Brewers. Some will not go quietly because their bread and butter came from this racist, extremist base. Lou Dobbs is gone and so is his racist entertainment branding. Those that don’t heed the warning are stuck in phase one.

Stage3: Action

President Obama needs to use his political capital and pass immigration reform and appoint more Latinos into powerful positions. We have more than enough skilled Hispanics to fill these positions. The word Latino does not have to conjure up undocumented immigrants in the minds of white Americans. We are doctors, lawyers, communication experts, political analysts, accountants, professors and every other white collar occupation on one end of the spectrum, to hard working laborers on the other end.

If Republicans want to survive, it’s time to take action and invite Latinos to the table to open a dialogue. Joaquin Castro’s appearance in Meet the Press, is a good start. It’s time to rebrand and hire intelligent Latinos 3.0. Marco Rubio and George P. Bush cannot save you. The Latino GOP talking  heads have little to no credibility with those of us that are immersed in the facts. We have more than enough communications and marketing experts willing and ready to help you in forging a new and improved brand. Ronald Reagan is dead. The “Next” generation of Latinos wants to define itself and chart its own future.

Phase 4: Maintenance

The intolerant extremists will not go away or go quietly their pattern of denial will try and take us back to phase one. Those in power will need to take action and rein them in. Disrespect and denial of our importance in the new America will not win any votes. It’s a new day in America, “Buenos Dias.”

[Photo by: Victor Escalante]

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