Latinos 3.0: Not Your Mother’s Stereotype

By Victor Escalante

“Myths are public dreams, dreams are private myths.”…..  Joseph Campbell

Soledad Obrien’s documentary, “Latinos In America” was eagerly anticipated by many of us that speak “Latino Narrative.”  It moved the blog sphere needle and social media networks with praise and criticism. Some felt that CNN had had once again used Latinos as a prop for ratings and that Ms. Obrien and her producer had used the immigration card to colour Latinos with the same broad brush stroke.

One other leading network followed suit with Latinos being in the spotlight for more than crime or immigration. Since then it seems that things have returned to the status quo to Latinos being the undesirables or has it? Well that depends on who one listens to.In recent days, ABC has announced a joint venture with the Spanish language monolith Univision TV network to launch a new cable channel and produce original Latino themed English programming. Even News Corporation is jumping into the field with its own joint venture with Colombian RCN Television. It’s a great day in America to see Mickey Mouse and Mr. Rupert Murdock get in the ring and say “Bienvenidos Amigos.”

What do all these media titans know that others should consider?  It could be that they have studied the census figures of Latinos, and they “get it”, the purchasing power of Latinos is now pegged at one trillion dollars a year. We are not talking your mother’s stereotyped Frito Bandito Latino. We have arrived at the Golden Era. That’s the good news that’s the bad news.  Our generation is faced with the fruits and sins of our fathers. No one can move the Latino narrative better than us native speakers.

Politicos are falling all over themselves  pitching  their brand of politics courting the Latino vote. Many political scientists now predict that Latinos will elect the next president in battle ground states. Four months and the clock ticking to Election Day will once again shine the spot light on Latinos and their vote.

I am delighted to be the newest member of the News Taco team. When Victor Landa placeed the call out for writers on the Latino Narrative it was a call to march. We all have our internal song and dreams we aim towards. Who will help lift the national dream? If not us then whom? If not now then when? I will bring you the untold stories. Join us in this journey stay tuned to Latinos 3.0.

[Photo of San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro by Victor Escalante]

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