Al Jazeera on Mexico’s Political Awakening

Our colleague Franc Contreras is the Mexico City bureau chief for Al Jazeera and he’s doing a live interview in Mexico City with students from the #YoSoy132 movement and a representative of the Institutional Revolutionary Party that you can watch live today. Tune in! Here’s the information from Franc:

Drug violence is raging in key parts of Mexico, poverty is wide-spread and young people have few options for their future. Now many are concerned their country’s main television channels are trying to skew the outcome of the July 1 presidential election.

They are fed up and have started youth movement called #YoSoy132, which aims to fundamentally change Mexico’s political culture.

On Wednesday, June 13 at 18 GMT or 1 p.m. central time, a panel of young Mexicans will talk live on Google +with Al Jazeera Mexico correspondent Franc Contreras about this important youth movement. They are participants of the #YoSoy132 movement and a supporter of the PRI’s presidential candidate.

You can watch this historic debate live by going to the following links:

Al Jazeera on Google +

Al Jazeera on YouTube

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