Arizona Bill Will Ban Subversive Latino Music From Radio

By Victor Landa, NewsTaco

Well, OK, no.

But it is weird enough to be almost true, and isn’t that what makes satire funny?

This story came from the imagination of Osborne Rice, who writes the Free Wood Post – News That’s Almost Reliable. He’s gotten great traction across the web – mostly satire rich, subversion loving places (which is how I stumbled upon the post, meandering those neighborhoods, looking for good reads).

According to Rice the Arizona legislature was set to vote on the Subversive Latino Music bill on May 3rd. And this would be the list of what constitutes subversive Latino music:

1. Promotes the overthrow of the United States government.

2. Promotes resentment toward a race or class of people.

3. Is designed primarily for listeners of a particular ethnic group.

4. Advocates ethnic solidarity instead of treating listeners as individuals.

I’m not entire sure if some of the people who shared the post got that it was all in fun. And if you take a step back from the joke you can see how Arizona’s reputation as the epicenter of immigration craziness makes this story believable. The purported bill states:

“Any music that includes more than five words in a language other than English will be reviewed by an independent commission for seditious overtones.”

You have to admit, it’s funny because it’s almost plausible.

Ever since that “La Bamba” song came out we have been fighting against this evil Mexican music. What does ‘La Bamba’ even mean?  Do you know? It probably means America is Satan? Why would we want to put that on the airwaves?”

You can check out the entire post HERE.

[Photo by DonkeyHotey]

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