Apathy is perhaps the biggest crisis confronting Latinos

By Duke Machado

Apathy may be our undoing. In the political world, everyone’s talking about Hispanics. Are we really going to make the difference? Will we actually show up and vote? Are we even paying attentionto what’s going on around us?

I don’t know.

Sometimes I think we’re making progress. I see activism increasing. I hear more Hispanics speaking up in social media networks, but is that enough?

Then, I start thinking, “we’re doomed.” I look around and I see things spiraling out of control. I see the Catholic church being attacked by this president. I watch with my own eyes, as this president, thinking he’s off camera, assures a Russian leader that “After my election, I’ll have more flexibility?” What does that mean? Another promise?

I see illegal immigration increasing. We have legal children and illegal parents. It’s complicated. We can’t just “round up”all those living here illegally and deport them. Anyone who thinks we need to do that, just needs to watch Schindler’s List to remind them of what comes next.

Who knows how many illegal immigrants there are? Many of them are friends of yours and mine. You might be even related to one.

Gas prices have shot through the roof, foreclosures are on the rise, and our nation’s debt is choking us, and who do we owe the money to? China.

Bottom line is, we have a crisis that no one’s talking about: Apathy.

I know we have a million things to do, but at some point, we must connect with our elected officials and aggressively represent our wishes. If we want something resolved, we must do more than politely ask. Apparently, that gets us nowhere.

Politicians know the numbers. On one hand, they know we’ll be the majority, and on the other, they know we don’t vote. Someone’s done one hell of a job convincing the community that their vote doesn’t matter. I hear it all the time from young people. We are the most apathetic people in the country, which frustrates me.

Where is the cry for solutions?

Where are the rallies for missing women along the border? What about the abductions? These are American citizens being taken and sold. Does that not bother you? What about the presence of Hezbollah in Mexico? Did you know that?

Meanwhile, Janet Napolitano is saying our border has never been more secure. Who is she trying to kid?

Knowing the country is being run into the ground by someone who we know little about, is unnerving. Knowing we Hispanics can contribute to the fight and refuse to engage, is even worse. Why? Because it means we don’t think it’s possible for things to spiral out of control.

We think tomorrow is guaranteed. We’ve been watching too many reality shows.

We live in a Hip-Hop world, where sex is king, and Barbie dolls look like strippers. The media has us. Let me put it in terms that young Hispanics should relate to. In The Matrix, Neo (you) had the choice between the blue pill and the red pill. If he took the blue pill (Democrats), he would continue to live in the dream world and feed the system (government). But, if he took the red pill (Republicans) he would see the truth, and things would never be the same. Neo took the red pilland unplugged from the system.

That’s what we have to do. We have to unplug from the “hand-out” mindset and switch back to the pursuit of Life, Liberty and Happiness. That means getting a job and moving out of your grandma’s house and cleaning up. You have to get involved and participate in democracy. Voting once every four years isn’t enough. We need to be present from here on out. We need to organize.

What can we do?

1. Register to Vote

2. Find your local county Republican Party

3. Volunteer time/effort for a candidate

4. Study the U.S. Constitution and know your rights

5. Search for like-minded people and begin engaging the community

6. Listen to Michael Savage, and the Savage Nation

7. Teach people how to do steps 1-6

[Photo by: eyspahn]

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