Hispanics For A Fair Judiciary: Romney’s Sotomayor Ad “Cheap” Shot

Hispanics for a Fair Judiciary released a statement criticizing GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The candidate made ads criticizing his opponent Rick Santorum for voting to confirm now-Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor to the the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals in 1998. See statement below:

Mitt Romney’s attacks on Justice Sotomayor are yet another disappointing attempt to pander to the far right at the expense of the Hispanic community, the future of our country, and our highest court.  By attempting to score cheap political points, Romney disparages the life’s work of one of the Supreme Court’s most qualified and respected justices.  Justice Sotomayor is an inspiration to millions, her rise from poverty embodies the American Dream, and her credentials to serve are impeccable.  Romney claims to be a leader, but these ads show how low he is willing to stoop.

When President Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor to serve on the Supreme Court, she had more federal judicial experience that any nominee in the past 100 years.  With her outstanding resume came respect from her colleagues as a moderate, by-the-book judge who strictly adhered to our laws and constitution. Her extraordinary life story—from an impoverished childhood in the South Bronx to Yale Law School to the federal bench—forced even her detractors to praise her credentials.  Since being confirmed to the high court, Sotomayor has cemented her reputation as a fair and tenacious jurist.

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