Gingrich Attacks Romney For Being Bilingual

Newt Gingrich managed to make America look xenophobic recently the way he chose to attack his rival, Mitt Romney recently. The Gingrich campaign has launched a new attack ad against the Massachusetts presidential candidate, drawing parallels between Romney and John Kerry. One of Gingrich’s points of attack is that…Romney speaks French, like Kerry.

It’s pretty sad that our politicians degenerate to attacking each other over such frivolous things. Here’s the video:

Our economy is in the dumps, we’re losing credibility globally with drone operations seemingly bombing everything, and Congress couldn’t even put a balanced budget together last year until America lost it’s AAA credit rating.

Instead, ridiculous attacks like these carry on. It’ll continue, too. Nevermind, Gingrich is far from being a better man of morals than Romney, asking his wife to discuss the terms of their divorce while she was recovering from surgery. (She actually wasn’t on her deathbed.) He even advocated to Republicans last year that it would be okay to shutdown the government — again — like 1995, because it supposedly gave Republicans a leg up in the 1996 elections.

Even worse, these ads are out for everybody to see, here and abroad. It’s quite easy to paint Gingrich as a xenophobe, afraid of anything that isn’t in line with his politics. Republicans who don’t follow Reagan, people who speak French? What’s next? Attacking candidates over language should leave Hispanics and anybody else who’s bilingual on nerve. Apparently it’s bad to acknowledge other cultures in ‘Merica.

I wonder what all of the immigrants in America — of any race — are thinking, when it’s perfectly okay for a presidential candidate to rip into somebody for being bilingual. This kind of campaigning is damaging to America. And this guy wants to run America?

[Video By ngingrich; Photo By Gage Skidmore]

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