Rally Planned For Texas Redistricting SCOTUS Hearing On Monday

The Hispanic Institute is planning a rally Monday at the Supreme Court hearing on Texas’ redistricting maps. Thr rally is planned for 12:30 p.m. in front of the Supreme Court building. The statement says the rally is:

Fair Re-districting in the state of Texas. All states are required to redo their voting boundaries after the recently completed nationwide census, conducted once every ten years. Texas is getting four new congressional seats after the latest census showed its population grew by 4 million people. The plan drafted by the three-judge panel would give minorities the majority in three of those congressional districts.

Ninety percent of the population growth in Texas during the last ten years has actually been growth in the minority population and of that, sixty-five percent has been Latino. You would think that any decision rendered by the court, would reflect these changes in population.

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