What Does Ron Paul Know About Latinos? In Today’s Politics Headlines

Were voter ID, anti-immigration laws worth it?: Republican legislators in South Carolina say they have no regrets over the years they spent writing laws to kick illegal immigrants out of the state and require voters to show picture ID at the ballot box.

Majority-Latino District Won’t Have Majority-Latino Vote: Although Democrats and liberals are praising the state redistricting commission for creating the state’s first-ever majority-Latino District—the 15th in South-Central Washington, which takes in parts of Yakima, Selah, and Union Gap and is now 54.5 percent Hispanic—the actual Latino voting population will likely fall well under 50 percent.

Is Ron Paul “completely clueless” when it comes to Latinos?: GOP presidential candidate Ron Paul has come under fire in recent weeks over accusations that he harbors racist attitudes against blacks, Jews and homosexuals and believes in conspiracy theories related to the 9/11 terror attacks. Now, questions are being raised about his attitudes toward Latinos.

Yes We Can (Can’t We?): “The Latino vote will be absolutely crucial in this election.” The West Path would add Colorado, New Mexico, and Nevada to the Kerry states, for 272 electoral votes. The Florida Path would add just Florida, for 275. The South Path runs through North Carolina and Virginia (274 electoral votes), while the Midwest Path includes Ohio and Iowa (270 electoral votes).

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