The Recipe For A Healthy Relationship

There are no perfect relationships. What exists are couples that are healthy, or couples that are conflict–laden. What makes the two different is the commitment they have to making the relationship work.

If you have a partner and, when things go wrong, you suffer, you argue, you feel jealous, or hurt, it is because  you are not in a healthy and happy relationship. Before blaming the other person for the things that are not working within the relationship, you first have to ask yourself: What am I doing wrong  to prevent things from working?

When you are clear what mistakes you are making, you have to correct them for the relationship to change. If things do not change you need to ask yourself: Why  do I think I deserve to be treated  this way?  And that’s how you can figure out the reason why you stay in a relationship that is not loving.

A relationship that is loving differs from others because there is communication, commitment, projects and activities that are shared, there’s consideration for the welfare of the other person,  it’s fun and  the couple manages to reach agreement. You only need to remember that: all people who come to us come to teach lessons, some only stay a while and leave, others arrive to be companions on the journey called life.

[Photo By Nina Matthews Photography]

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