What Will Make You Happy This Christmas And In 2012?

Sometimes, in between doing so much, we forget why we’re doing it, or what we’re doing it for. Sometimes, this happens with Christmas.

With so much anticipation and media stimulation around this time, the true significance of the day is put at risk of being forgotten or diluted. Therefore, it’s worth taking a moment to reflect and remember what the day means and how it’s lived.

So for you, what does Christmas mean?

Is it a day to celebrate with family? Is it a social event? Is it a symbol of family unity? Of good will? Do you make it a day to give thanks for all of the blessings you’ve received and the lesson you’ve learned?

Making the New Year A Happy One

While we’re on the topic of reflection, changes and contemplation can be undertaken on any date, not just Christmas or January 1.  Many people often find themselves asking, “If I know it’s wrong, why can’t/don’t I change it?” This is part of our culture of negativity, a culture based upon tragedy and the avoidance of of solving our problems.

Postponing change and reserving good intentions for a specific day – whether it be next Monday or the beginning of the following month – and in the meantime abusing food, relationships and other vices, with the excuse that things will be different in the new year, can leave a bitter feeling when contemplating the outgoing year, as well as make January an emotional month for many people.

When it comes to external goals, such as losing weight, looking better, or quitting smoking, we’re disguising how we really feel inside.  Once the euphoria of meeting some of these goals passes, the depression follows.

Which is why resolutions for the new year should be based upon emotional needs.  Asking, “What do I need? What do I want? Am I happy with what I have? Do I like where I am?”  And so on and so forth.  Standing on the brink of 2012, or whatever year, causes people to undergo a mood of reflection and change.  Make your goals and resolutions reality and for sure, you will come out winning.

[Photos By breadfacej[Clint]]

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