Congressional Hispanic Caucus: Not Passing Payroll Tax Cut Means Taxes For Middle Class

The Congressional Hispanic Caucus released a statement today on the payroll tax cut not  not passing today:

Chairman Charles A. Gonzalez (TX 20) released this statement today after House Republicans refused to vote on a bipartisan compromise package to extend the payroll tax cut and unemployment benefits.  House Republicans then passed a motion to go to conference committee, a move that will raise taxes on middle class families and allow unemployment benefits to expire for millions of Americans at the end of the year.

“House Republicans need to act now or 25 million Hispanic workers will pay more in taxes. It’s really that simple. The median household income for a Hispanic family is $38,000. That translates into a payroll tax cut of $760 this year. If the House passed the Senate compromise, that cut would continue next year. If we were to adopt the President’s proposal, the median Hispanic household would see an extra $1,100.”


“While the House Republicans continue their partisan bickering, Americans are trying to get back to work and build a better life for themselves.  I’d like to remind House Republicans that what we do in Congress has very real effects on American workers. Let’s stop this ridiculous bickering and let’s help American families.”

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