When Relationships Go From Honeymoon to Hell

Many couples are suffering through some type of violence in secret, whether it be psychological, sexual, economic, physical, etc.  In spite of the cultural advances and information about protecting women’s rights, statistics have shown a rise in the mistreatment of women, regardless of their economic, social, cultural, or religious background.

Many women begin their relationships with high hopes, thinking that they can solve whatever obstacle. When the first instances of aggression arise, mistreatment or lack of respect, they assume it will pass and they can fix the situation and, most importantly, that it won’t happen again.

The questions that everyone else asks these women are: Why do you stay? Why do you put up with it? This is where the women get confused and they don’t understand the reasons why.  They just stay.

What happens is that it’s very easy to become trapped in the cycle of violence.  It starts with mistreatment, then abuse, the woman tries to leave or report her partner, he shows regret, asks for her forgiveness, and a temporary honeymoon period ensues. The cycle will repeat itself over and over again.

If you know someone in a similar situation, or if it’s happening to you, ask for help.  There are places all over the country that specialize in helping abused or battered women, that can provide help, psychotherapy, legal advice, or in extreme cases, shelter for women and children who have been victims of domestic violence.

Many women think it’s difficult to take the first step and ask for help. They need to remember that it’s the first step to recovering their dignity and self-esteem, and above all, survive the high-risk situations they’ve been exposed to.

[Photo By Concha García Hernández]

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