Romney’s Harsh Immigration Stance Draws Criticism

GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s performance at a debate last week has drawn criticism particularly for his hard stance on immigration. Democratic Texas Congressmen Silvestre Reyes and Charlie Gonzalez said Romney was pandering and flip-flopping with this most recent stance.  Gonzalez went on to caution Latino voters against what he said was Romney’s impractical and anti-business stance on immigration.

The Democratic National Committee called Romney’s stance “the most extreme, right wing presidential candidate on the issue of immigration ever.”

The surprise in all of this is that  Newt “Spanish is the language of living in the ghetto” Gingrich has come forward as promoting a comparably “reasonable” alternative to deporting everyone by finding a space for legality.

As Gabriela Domenzain, Director of Hispanic Press for Obama For America put it, “Romney flat out said he would throw out grandparents and families who have been in the U.S. for a quarter of a century, have paid their taxes, and are members of their church and community as well as immigrants who have volunteered to serve the United States and put their lives on the line to defend our country.”

Romney hasn’t said, specifically, what the solution for immigration reform is, but he sure seems to like using big words when talking about it. We’ve written before about his all-over-the-place, flip-flopping, anti-Latino immigration stances. It’s worth a read, here. Then, there’s the video from the DNC featuring both Romney and Gingrich:

[Video By DemRapidResponse; Photo By Jessica Rinaldi]

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