Minorities Responsible For Violence On Minorities In Oakland

It’s minorities who are most responsible for violence against minority Occupy Oakland protestors, according to a report about the violence at that action yesterday, which resulted in the arrest of more than 100 people following numerous police clashes which involved tear gas.

Jean Quan is Oakland’s first Asian mayor and the Interim Police Chief Howard Jordan is African-American. Roberto Lovato was on the scene and wrote:

…questions about the role of race in the policing of Occupy Oakland points to what is and will continue to be the larger question in Oakland and other U.S. cities where former “minorities” are becoming majorities: What does it mean when those charged with defending elite interests against multi-racial and increasingly non-white activists are themselves multiracial and non-white? The ongoing protests, mayor recall, phone calls, emails and other pressure and pushback of Occupy Oakland are no longer aimed at cigar-smoking white men. They are aimed at a power structure in Oakland whose public face looks more like Miller and other non-white protesters.

We’ve written a few times now about whether Latinos have been, or have not been, involved in this movement. We’ve also written about Occupy LA and Occupy Phoenix, and thankfully, it appears that Occupy Oakland seems to be much worse than anything we’ve reported.

[Photo By dignidadrebelde]

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