Guapura 101: Exfoliating Your Patas

Recently I was talking to a friend of mine about getting a pedicure when, to my surprise, she said something I had thought myself for a long time. “I asked the woman not to exfoliate my feet so much — I like the callous because I like to walk around barefoot.”

Now, I totally get the whole “soft and beautiful feet” thing, I mean, who wants to slip into bed and hear  their feet rubbing against the sheets? (Not that this has ever happened to me…) But, at the same time, I like walking around barefoot. As my friend told me, at one point after a particularly exfoliating pedicure, it hurt her feet to walk around barefoot her own house!

Perhaps I’m a salvaje  but I really enjoy being barefoot most of the time, and as I’ve started doing martial arts recently, being barefoot on plastic mats is also a good place to have callouses on your feet. What’s an active woman to do?

I’ve found middle ground where I keep my feet somewhat exfoliated, but with enough callous to be able to walk barefoot and do my muay thai kicks without hurting my feet. My friend went the other direction, and just gave up pedicures all together. What are some other options we may have missed?

[Photo By katya varlamova]

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