Makes Voter Registration Quick & Easy

How many people reading this voted in the 2008 presidential elections or in your state or county’s last local election? If you’re raising your hand in front of your computer, awesome.  You’ve completed your civil duty, expressed your opinion, and reminded the  government that power is vested in the people, if the people choose to take part in the democratic process.

If you’re not raising your hand or nodding, then why not?

Despite what some naysayers may believe, elections still matter.  There’s a reason why candidates and special interest groups pour millions into campaigns and why questionable tactics are used to make voting more difficult for Latinos and blacks.  Even if politicians ignore Latinos, or make irrelevant campaign ads, the minority vote is growing in importance every year.

So as long as you’re 18 or over, have proven to be mentally competent, and not in prison or on parole for a felony conviction, why wouldn’t you vote?

Not registered, you say?  Moved since the last elections?  Don’t know where or how to register?  Well, if you’re reading this, you have computer access.  And if you have computer access you can log on to and get all the information you need to vote.  Thanks to the wonders of technology, it’s ridiculously simple and fast.

At, you choose your state, choose your language, English or Spanish, fill in your information, print a copy, slap a stamp on it, drop it in the mailbox, and you are done.

After all, if we wanna mobilize 12 million Latinos to vote, 15 million have to register first.

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