Guapura 101: 5 Ways To Get Rid Of A Zit
So, you know it’s happened to you. Everything is going swell, you have a big day or trip coming up and then — bam! — zit on your face. Or multiple zits. Why? Oh why are the timing of these zits always so inconvenient? Well, we though it’d be good to examine a few ways, if not the best ones, to deal with these zits. Here are our tips, don’t forget to let us know yours!
1.) Pop it. Okay, we know this is wrong, but you also know it feels so right! Sometimes, depending on the zit, this will solve your problem.
2.) Put some mud mask on it overnight or during the day. I just did this and it significantly reduced the zit. This can work.
3.) Alternative to Tip 2 is to put some toothpaste on said zit, like the white kind. This has also worked for me in the paste.
4.) Ice it. Some people say this works, I’ve never tried it.
5.) Use benzoyl peroxide on your zit. This works, especially preventatively, but can also shrink them. Watch out though, this will bleach your t-shirts and bed sheets.
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