What Do I Have To Do To Win My Husband’s Approval?

Dear Martha:

I am a bank teller, I am 25 years old and my husband is 32. My husband thinks I am increasingly worth less because he says I have no goals. Neither one of us wants children now, so I can’t fulfill my role as a mother.

But cooking, cleaning and having the apartment spotless does not help me at all to win his good opinion. Working doesn’t help either. I only worry about what he thinks about me. I want to do something different and show my husband that iI”m worth something, that I am somebody.

How do I do it?

— Desperate For Approval

Dear Desperate For Approval:

Have you realized that your entire self image rests totally on the approval of your husband? you’re putting you entire life in suspense so that he can tell you that you’re a person of merit. Until you realize for your own reasons what you’re worth, nothing you do will make you feel okay with yourself.

You do not need the approval of anyone to decide that you’re okay the way you are, and that it’s okay to be yourself. Do not hand over your rights to anyone else. They’re too valuable and you are too special and unique a person to do so.

Martha Sáenz is a life coach and hyponotherapist who lives in Los Angeles. If you have a question for Martha email her at marthalifecoach@gmail.com. Follow her on Twitter at @marthalifecoach
[Photo By Mr. Mystery]

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