Guapura 101: How To Apply Mascara

Ok ladies, first of all, try not to apply mascara in the car. Secondly, there’s a very particular way I’ve found of curling your eyelashes, then applying mascara, that makes your eyelashes look longish and also helps the effect last longer. I’m not the best makeup artist and I do not have long eyelashes naturally, but this works for me.

  1. Powder your face with translucent powder, especially your eyes. I find this helps your eye makeup stay on longer.
  2. Take your eyelash curler and start at the outer edge of your eyelash.
  3. Crimp your eyelash bit by bit, moving from outside, in, until you reach the base of your eyelash.
  4. Then take your mascara and do one coat on the outside, that is the furthest away from your nose, on each side.
  5. Then go back and start again from the outside, work in, and voilá!

I’ve found, thanks to my mom’s tip, that when you start curling the eyelashes from the outside-in, you don’t get that jagged look, and when you do it more than once you get a longer curl. Also, I found that putting one coat on the outside, letting it dry, and then applying elsewhere helps your eyes look bigger, which I think is the point of mascara anyways.

Remember I also wrote about how important it is to not wear too much makeup or risk looking older than you are, here are my eyeliner tips and how to prep your face for makeup.

So what do you think? What kind of mascara is best, anyways?

Follow Sara Inés Calderón on Twitter @SaraChicaD

[Photo By Laura Tourette’s]

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