I Was Dumped After I Was Laid Off

Dear Martha,

I have lived with my partner for the six years since I arrived from Mexico, we are lesbians and she has two children whom I have raised and educated and I have been involved with them to the point that we’ve formed a loving family.

Two months ago I lost my job and she has been angry with me as a result, not valuing that I’m doing my best, including accepting whatever work I can find to bring in money until I’m stable again. She ran me out of the house, but I love her. What do I do now?

— Lovelorn & Laid Off


Lovelorn & Laid Off,

It is a shame that economic hardships often affect relationships. It’s hard for you, but you should pull back and concentrate on finding work. After you do, you might want to ask yourself: do you really want to be in a relationship where you’re only valued and loved for what you can provide on a material level?

In addition to finding a job, you need to rebuild your self-esteem, appreciate yourself and learn that you are worth much more than you can provide on an economic level. Material things can be recovered, but emotional losses are much more difficult.

Martha Sáenz is a life coach and hyponotherapist who lives in Los Angeles. If you have a question for Martha email her at marthalifecoach@gmail.com. Follow her on Twitter at @marthalifecoach

[Photo By Lourdes Nightingale]

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