Sinvergüenza Spotlight: Anthony Weiner

U.S .Representative Anthony Weiner (D- NY) has had a hard few weeks. So much so, that he just recently has been driven to the point of requesting a leave of absence from the House as he seeks professional treatment.

His fellow Democrats are pressing for his resignation, so he resigned.  He’s being mercilessly beaten in the media for the simple act of sending sexually explicit pictures of his privates to women on Twitter.(Can you send sexual pictures that are not explicit?)  In any event, he’s enduring an unmerited national public flogging.  You pound Weiner so mercilessly and there’s no telling what will happen next.

But where will the insanity end? When a man can no longer send sexual pictures of himself to women without being burned at the stake, I weep for our world.  So, in order to lend support to the Congressman, El Guapo is taking a stand. In solidarity, he is posting pictures of:

His junk:

and his wood

You know who else was persecuted unfairly? Jesus.

Your handsome and humble servant,

— El Guapo

[Photo Courtesy Congress]

El Guapo writes the blog The Daily Refried, and is, without question, the foremost authority on all things sinvergüenza. Follow him on Facebook or Twitter @TheDailyRefried

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