Guapura 101: The Challenge That Is Eyeliner

If you’re anything like me, eyeliner has been this combination fascination-nightmare since you first started tinkering around with makeup in junior high. A lot of bad makeup applications, drug store eye pencils and friendly female advice later, I think I’ve come to a pretty good relationship with the stuff. It is this that brings me to today’s guapura topic.

So the basic theory behind eyeliner is that it brings out your eyes. There are a few different things you can do to bring out your eyes differently, these are just my tips:

  • Use colors that compliment your complexion somehow. I, for example, usually don’t use black because it is really harsh, I go for green and brown usually.
  • Unless you want to go super dramatic, try only lining the top lid; it makes your eyes pop, but without giving you that dramatic raccoon-effect.
  • White eyeliner on the top lid will probably make you look sleepy by making your eyes look smaller.
  • For a non-raccoon dramatic effect, try lining the top eye, and then half of the lower line of your eye. This frames your eyes without being too severe.
  • I like to usually pair hard core eye makeup with lighter lipstick to make your eyes pop more; you can do both if you want to look dramatic, too, though.

As you can see in this photo I attached, I used purple and lined the top and then half the lower part of my eyes for that dramatic effect. Did I miss any tips? What do you think?

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