Guapura 101: How To Shave Using Shampoo

If you’re anything like me, you’ve had plenty of practice couch surfing in the past few years, and know that — inevitably — you forget something. Recently, this thing that I had forgotten happened to be soap, ah, and given that I had just finished helping my friend move in 100-degree weather, this was not a good thing.

Luckily, as necessity is the mother invention, I was able to discover that not only is shampoo also good as body wash, but it’s extra good for shaving your legs, ladies. I mean, if you think about it, the manufacturers of all of these products probably only want us to think that ingredients to cleanse your scalp, body and face are different.

I mean, isn’t soap just soap? Apparently, you can also use conditioner to shave, though I haven’t tried that out yet.

In any case, all you do is get a small amount of shampoo, add a little water (or just wet your hands first), then lather it on your legs, and presto, you have shaving cream. I wish I would have figured this out a long time ago, it actually works better than soap. Although, I can see how if you use one of those fancy shampoos that costs a lot of money, this isn’t really a good use of that product.

But, if like me you use whatever shampoo smells like coconut and costs less than $2 a bottle, guess who’s legs will be smelling like coco this summer?

Follow Sara Inés Calderón on Twitter @SaraChicaD

[Photo By worak]

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